Monday, April 20, 2009

Flash Lite [23] Nokia Service API

Flash Lite只提供裡幾個手機上的基本功能讓Developer使用,Nokia 針對手機上的功能提供了更多API,讓Flash Lite的開發者,可以設計出更多互動,功能更強的AP。


AppManager Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access and launch applications.

Calendar Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access, create, and manage calendars and calendar entries.

Contacts Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access and manage information about contacts. (Device/SIM card database)

Landmarks Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access and manage information about landmarks and landmark categories.

Location Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to retrieve information about the physical location of a device and to perform calculations based on location information.

Logging Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to add, read, and delete logging events such as call logs, messaging logs, and so forth.

Media Management Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to retrieve information (metadata) about the media files stored in the Media Gallery.

Messaging Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to read, retrieve, and manage messages using the Messaging Center.

Sensor Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access data provided by the physical sensors.

SystemInfo Service API :
Allows Flash Lite applications to access and modify system information.

詳細的說明請參考 Nokia Flash Lite Developer's Library
Alessandro Pace所提供的 Flash Lite Services API on Nokia devices

Note: 這些API僅適用於Flash Lite3.0+S60 5th edition